Chapter 9



Should we kick off Quinn and his insane posse?


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From Kitten

Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:12 pm:

The recently admitted members onto our board have anything but coherent values. Upon Quinn and his disciples’ entrances it was easy to read their posts and chuckle, but slowly they became awkwardly muddled. I took it upon myself to do some research into their so-called genius forum, which prides itself on trying to dissect wisdom and truth through philosophical and “religious” meditation. (Religion is in quotations as they claim to be atheists.) Reading through their posts and personal sites turned up some interesting—if not all together disturbing—quotes, passages, and belief systems.

What I am about to say here should not surprise them, as they seem to hold that it is easy for a female to grow horns, sprout hooves, and allow their forked tongue to take over (if it’s not a built in feature). Thus, I doubt heavily any of them will appreciate this post *grins*

The first thing I post here is a blow by blow of a passage written by Mr. Rowden:
“Enlightenment if the complete absense [sic] of all delusion, not just the big delusions, not just the ones that make us suffer, but all deluded concepts.” Thus far a very new-age Buddhist view written in a confused manner, at least I hope that’s what this is…”Part of the process by which one casts off these delusions is an examination of human consciousness, in every sense.” *smiles and nods slowly,* “This means looking at the masculine and feminine, the passive and the dominant, the rational and the emotive, the willful and the merely willing, right down to the last detail.” A very confused Taoist point, *looks a little worried but brushes it off* “This much ought be obvious.” *looks confused* if you say so. “However, it seems that some would have us exclude the feminine from this process, for reasons which make it all the more important to scrutinise [sic].” I take it the ‘some’ referred to here include mainly the Quinn church from their other posts. “Now, some will say that there is a difference between analysing [sic] the feminine and taking the extra step of rejecting it. Yes, there is a difference, but when one understands the feminine one automatically takes the step of rejection, because one sees clearly the dangers of it in the context of the pursuit of wisdom.” *looks shocked* Pardon? What type of women have you been fraternizing with? “And this is the key, the context. For someone with different values (that is, other than striving for wisdom) scrutinising [sic] the concept Woman, would possibly be a meaningless thing to do, and even perhaps a counterproductive thing to do, especially if one is interested in relationships and sex.” *looks extremely worried* Oh, but there is more dear reader: “But striving for wisdom is no ordinary thing.” *smiles and nods in agreement* Here I thought I could relax; however, the next paragraph opens: “What I have long since and continue to find interesting is that the voices of dissent are all but silent when it comes to articulating the merits of the feminine mind…”

Not to forget Kevin Solvay's quote which speaks for itself: "So my first task was, and still is, to get people to a level where they at least have some respect for reason and truth. Increasingly I realized the inseparability of reason and masculinity. At the same time I could not help noticing the increasing feminization of society. The only course open to me was to attack femininity at the root. My life's work, I decided, would focus on making people aware of the shortcomings of femininity and the great benefits of masculinity. For there to be wise men, there must first be men."

I’m sorry, I can’t quote any further, and it is just insane men-nazi ranting. It is obvious from here, and their personal sites that they have had one to many run-ins with poor representatives of the opposite sex. They all seem to hold that due to these unfortunate run-ins and twisted Taoist sayings and beliefs, women hold one back from wisdom. This is just…wrong. Taoists do say the female embodies evil with some good: she is the yin. However, this is not to say women are evil *laughs* that would be a definite misunderstanding of the philosophy. Taoism holds that the essentials of the yin-yang school are as follows: a single principle, the Tao, or Great Ultimate runs the universe. This principle is divided into two opposite principles, or *turns to Quinn and his cult followers saying slowly* two values that contest one another in their actions. The yin and yang accomplish changes in the universe through the five material agents, or wu hsing, which both produce one another and overcome one another. Thus, man is just as evil as woman, and they are not separate systems, this is why the yin-yang circle rotates.

I am also reminded of what Andy said when I told him of their mistakes values of the female sex: “Their loathing of women means they will inherit the worst of Greek philosophy while missing the spirit of open inquiry which made Greece a world leader in logic during the Golden age of Pericles.” *laughs and nods in agreement* So true! He also feels “David Quinn wants a perfect tyranny where an unreachable elite rules over peons.”

However, it is not simply the mixed up Taoist system that they hold, they also mix up Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism…a large mistake in that they hold to be atheists on their personal pages. Although they seem to hold Siddhartha was not a religious figure, like the Theravada Buddhists, they also hold that there exists the “Dharma-body,” “Body of Bliss,” “Transformation-Body,” and Nirvana of the Mahayana. *Looks confused again* not to go into explanation of the confused description of Nirvana they posted under ‘the nature of genius.’

Then there is the thought flow of logic, reason and Truth…all of which they lack. For us the sentence: “P OR Q; P; THEREFORE Q” is equal to: “P OR Q; P; therefore neither P nor Q exist, and the answer is something I know as I’m a sage…so I’ll run in circles and dance on tiptoe, and now refer you to a chicken named Martha, which proves everything I hold to be Ultimate” for them. Quinn and his cult followers seem to have a messed up version of circular logic, which in itself is amusing, bewildering, depressing, yet also impressive to say the least. The Tao Te Ching says “Words of clarity sound confused,” however, I suppose it takes a true master of poetry to realize this also implies: words of confusion are never clear…and therefore, aren’t. It’s all too obvious that they have read this great work, flipped it, reversed it, and re-wrote half of it to suit them. Although Quinn claims to be a sage, he also doesn’t realize that a true sage would never claim such a status: Lao Tzu, Confucius, and Jesus being three examples of this fact.

Sergei here points out how Quinn sounds: This distinction is very useful because it enables the mind to hone in on the timeless knowledge of the Infinite. Timeless knowledge of the infinite plus infinite knowledge of the timeless equals infinite timeless knowledge of the timeless infinite. Also: “You feel a need to paint me as a kind of insane, out-of-touch-with-reality, anti-scientific, mentally disturbed fellow,” no, no, Quinn…we don’t have this need. And due to your posts, we don’t need to. For some reason you seem very paranoid and persecuted…you’re not Christ reborn you know…or didn’t you?

Of course all of these reflections are coming from one of those he sees “to be quite, quite mad.” A bi-sexual girl, lipstick lesbian, never bold enough in his eyes to fully accept my dike masculinity. I’m simply a woman, capital ‘w,’ quotation marks. I bet he sees me as some fem-nazi, when really I see him as being the one with psychological problems concerning females. His first post is quoted as saying: “no doubt, in turn, most of you will come to see me as an ignorant simpleton. And so our exchanges will probably peter out after a few days and I will disappear from this place, never to be seen again.” Please, do so Quinn and fellow-freaks inc.
He also says, “I'm not exactly sure why the Coyote invited me to this forum,” neither are we quite frankly. He must have mistook you for someone with something intelligent to say, or realized we would have fun posting things like this. *laughs*

From Andrew Beckwith

Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:02 pm:

Quinn sounds very much like the Moonies I encountered for the first time when I was in Boston about 1978-79. I never forgot how one of these people approached a Saudi friend of mine who shared reminences with me of both Judaic thinking and Islam. He and I were talking of the similarities between Moslem and Judaic food practices, and this goon for want of another word showed up and started to yammer at us about how the Unification Church would allegedly take care of our earthly problems if we gave up our 'evil' traditions. My Saudi friend then point blank asked " If you talk with us, would you ever consider at least admitting that you may be wrong ? " . The answer was an unequivocal no, and the Moonie then only escaped being kicked by my friend because he realized that the Saudi would not take harassment whole sale from him ( the Moonie).

David Quinn has been even more obstinate than the Moonie and with less manners. I , Plato, as well others TRIED to entertain a civil dialogue. But as Kitten aptly pointed out, once a cult comes in, they will bludgeon those who disagree with them one way or another.

Having had the experience with the unification church goon in 1979 and then having STUDIED them ( the Moonies ) psychologically in a formal setting I can say that David Quinn will employ the same tactics of harassment and subliminal intimidation that I saw the Moonies use in the late 1970s and beyond.

NPU is supposed to be a free exchange idea zone. It works only if the participants make a pro forma commitment of having minimal intellectual HONESTY . David Quinn spectacularly fails this test and others which I would think would be a minimalist standard of consideration for others. Given all this I with regret openly will ask David Quinn to consider voluntarily ( in a quiet manner ) withdrawing from this forum.

From David Quinn

Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:21 pm:

Andrew Beckwith, PhD, wrote:


NPU is supposed to be a free exchange idea zone. It works only if the participants make a pro forma commitment of having minimal intellectual HONESTY . David Quinn spectacularly fails this test and others which I would think would be a minimalist standard of consideration for others. Given all this I with regret openly will ask David Quinn to consider voluntarily ( in a quiet manner ) withdrawing from this forum.

Having been cordially invited to this forum by Coyote and participated in lengthy discussions with various members, I feel that I am now a fully-fledged member of this forum and thus qualified to make suggestions for its continued improvement.

If we are indeed commited to maintaining NPU as a free exchange idea zone, we need to be wary of Stalinistic urges to obliterate and quash dissenting ideas that we don't like. Members need to feel they are free to put forward any opinion they like, no matter how radical or politically-incorrect it may be, without fear of retribution from an angry lynch-mob. Otherwise, the forum will only degenerate into a kind of dull insipidness with everyone continually voicing conventional scripts and predictable jokes.

Because both Kitten and Andrew Beckwith, PhD, have expressed the Stalinistic urge to send a dissenter to "Siberia", despite the fact that the dissenter in question has been perfectly civil in his discourse and engaged in rational dialogue at all times, they are seriously endangering the basic principles of this forum. Thus, I propose that they should both be kicked off the forum forthwith. Only in this way will the noble principles of free thought and free speech be preserved for the sake of our future intellectual development and enjoyment.

From Andrew Beckwith

Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:39 pm:


Because both Kitten and Andrew Beckwith, PhD, have expressed the Stalinistic urge to send a dissenter to "Siberia",

Fat chance. I asked you to consider an orderly withdraw. You cannot read.


Thus, I propose that they should both be kicked off the forum forthwith. Only in this way will the noble principles of free thought and free speech be preserved for the sake of our future intellectual development and enjoyment.

I did not ask you to be kicked out, moron. I asked you to CONSIDER an orderly withdraw. You are unable to read. Thanks for confirming that fact.

And, I know you complained to Coyote. I did nothing of the sort, David. And I have had private E mail sent to me about you from OTHER NPU members. Everything I did was out in the open. There are other people in the NPU forum who have their doubts abouty you and I asked for a voluntarily considered action FROM YOU with no force other than moral persuasion behind it .

From Kitten

Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:56 pm:

David, I know the old trick of turning the tables and it's not going to work. I've lived more than you have, believe me...many can back that a threat like being forced off NPU doesn't scare me. This is for several reasons: one, I have been here longer than you have; two, I have posted on a wide range of subjects; three, I consider many of the members to be friends, and do not doubt they think of me as such; four, even if I left I would keep in contact with most of them; five, I am younger and a better writer, thus showing I have many more essays, thoughts, and discussions, ahead of me than you do (i.e. I have more to offer this place than you).

If I receive one private message, which is not from you or a crazy cult member, to leave I will graciously do so. *smiles brightly* Bring it on. If anyone else would like me to leave, just say so…and poof, just like magic into the thin air of cyber-space.

And just for clarification, Andy asked you to step down. I asked you to do what most were thinking: leave now...please. *gives you her winning smile unsarcastically*

From David Quinn

Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:00 pm:

Andrew Beckwith wrote:


I did not ask you to be kicked out, moron. I asked you to CONSIDER an orderly withdraw.

I did consider it, but rejected it. I've decided to stay despite the fact that most of the people here are as dull as dishwater and sadly lacking a sense of humour. Coyote promised me high-quality discussion if I joined this forum, but all I've received so far is very low-grade academic wankery and unbridled hysteria. It's been most disappointing, but not entirely surprising.

I will now ask you to consider leaving the forum, Mr Beckwith. You clearly drag the forum down with your absusive manner and lack of reasoned argument in any of your posts.


And, I know you complained to Coyote.

You know it, do you? What a fascinating lie.

I don't know why, but for some unknown reason, you're telling a stupid lie that is easily checked and can only result in damage to your own reputation.

And indeed, you're evidently trying to damage my own reputation with your scurrilous lying, and so I would like an apology from you. An apology to the tune of a hundred US dollars (donated to a charity of my choice) the moment that Coyote confirms the lie should be sufficient. Care to put your honour where your mouth is?

From M

Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:11 pm

To all,

Please separate your ideas from your emotions. You weren't invited to whine.


From Andrew Beckwith

Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:13 pm:


And, I know you complained to Coyote.

DQ: You know it, do you? What a fascinating lie.

I smoked you out , David. Brilliant. David, you cannot win. I did not have to talk to Coyote. It fits with your modus operandi. Coward. I knew you were going to do it. Go run to mama. Now about that REQUEST I made.


I did consider it, but rejected it. I've decided to stay despite the fact that most of the people here are as dull as dishwater and sadly lacking a sense of humour.

Hear that NPU ? Our David Quinn has such a judgemental opinion of us.


I will now ask you to consider leaving the forum, Mr Brickworth. You clearly drag the forum down with your absusive manner and lack of reasoned argument in any of your posts.

David, you are no match for me. You equated the worth of women with dogs. If that is not abusive, then call me bull winkle. I did not do the same to you. You brought it on yourself.


And indeed, you're evidently trying to damage my own reputation with your scurrilous lying, and so I would like an apology from you. An apology to the tune of a hundred US dollars (donated to a charity of my choice) the moment that Coyote confirms the lie should be sufficient.

Care to put your honour where your mouth is?

Temper, temper, temper David. Oh, the philosopher king is upset. Too bad. Your request is denied. My what a cry baby you are.

From Plato

Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:22 pm:

I have sent the following letter to Coyote urging the immediate removal of Quinn and his fellow cult members from NPU.

Hi Tommy,

I urge you to take a look at the recent correspondence between David Quinn and the members of this forum. Quinn is a member of a cult which promotes doctrines contrary to those accepted in civilized society. I am not even referring to his anti-scientific views, which he fails to support in any rational manner and is unable to comprehend contrary views for lack of familiarity with relevant subjects. I take it for granted that members of this forum are chosen in such a manner as to be sufficiently competent to grasp the opposing view and lead a coherent argument.

What I am talking about here is that these lunatics openly advocate male superiority based on arguments quite similar to those used by eugenics movements earlier in this century i.e. there are fewer women in science and philosophy, that women are emotional and men are reasonable and that sort of nonsense. While his ridiculous anti-scientific claims are within the realm of our discussion, his racist claims are outside that realm. It must be NPU policy from now on that discrimination based on race, religion, gender and sexual orientation will not be tolerated from any members. Furthermore, he had personally offended Kitten and has demanded her removal from the forum, which is unacceptable.

I might speculate that you brought this lunatic onto this forum in the first place to spark discussion since it is usually true that the degree of insanity of one's claims is directly proportional to the response of the audience. But he has stepped over the line and thus must be immediately excluded from this forum together with his fellow cult members Drowden and Solvay. Instead, we will bring in new members that are capable of leading a rational intercourse with their fellow human beings, male or female, Christian or Muslim, gay or straight, white or black.

Thank you,
Sergei Doulatov

From Andrew Beckwith

Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:31 pm:

I 2nd this letter, primarily due to his blatant attacks upon Kitten which lead me to request, politely , a voluntary withdraw from NPU on David Quinns part. His equating the relative worth of women with dogs was by my standards the coup de grace. After that ...

From Peter D

Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:58 am:

The argument often given for not expelling members for outlandish racist or sexist views is that it infringes free speech but I don´t believe it is a valid argument here. In society as a whole where each individual existing in the society is a moral person it is extremely difficult to justify on moral grounds any restriction on free speech other than on grounds that the result is an important restiction on anothers freedom, for example the case of incitement to racist attacks could be valid grounds but the argument will always be diffuclt and the onus always on those seeking to restrict free speech to justify its limitation. Here, however, we are in a private society which is by definition a sectional interest and so there is no moral imperative to allow unfettered freedom of speech. In this case enough is known about the intellectual bankruptsy of eugenics and sexism to say that it adds nothing to this society to accept its expression.

From Andrew Beckwith

Wed Jan 07, 2004 5:35 am:

Thank you, Peter. What I am especially concerned about is the brutish aura of intimidation which David Quinn projects. As it is, I made a call for a voluntary withdrawl on his part only because of his harassment of Kitten which verged on levels I have not seen since grade school. As it is, the philosopher king responded to this with what he THOUGHT was tit for tat retalitation for my posts but which actually VERY poorly reflected upon him. To whit, his hysterical denunication of me allegedly imposing Stalinistic levels of suppression of dissent is ludicrous when I made it clear in my posts that I was only exerting moral persuasion. Then, David Quinn followed up on this by accusing me of 'damaging his reputation' and demanding that I make a payment of 100 US dollars to a Charity of his choice. This when I made it clear that I was objecting not to his anti science biases but to his attacks upon Kitten which the entire NPU forum saw not once but several times.

It is not our final decision, but when an adult man in his 40s tries to brow beat a 19 year old woman with references to women allegedly having the worth of dogs, which is what David Quinn said, then it is time to clearly say 'enough'. As for what he said about me ? I am an old flame war veteran of several years duration, much hated for it in alt.flame, and I am AMUSED by David Quinns loss of control . Does it scare me? I have dealt with violent psychopaths before who had to be restrained by the law, and this is boringly ho hum. But, people 30 years younger than myself ( Kitten ) do NOT have this armor of protection and DO need to be protected from this invective.

From thebohemian7

Thu Jan 08, 2004 2:30 pm

I guess he has been expelled by now.... His posts appear under "Guest"... What a relief!

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