Welcome to Natural Thinker, a website for thinking persons. This website is about Truth.

A good syllogism:
1. A thing's existence, as itself, stops short of another thing.
2. Between one thing and another, is their shared boundary.
3. Therefore, things do not inherently exist, but are dependent on other things.
My output:
For beginners:
Myths about life — A short exhortation designed to separate the 'beginner-thinker' from the others. Which are you?
The Truth Paper — Only one issue was produced in November 2005. But only one was needed.
Verses on wisdom — Simple, logical, and crystal-clear, and describing the Infinite.
Essays — Cursive reflections on the spiritual life.
Letters — Some of my correspondence, including topics like love, logic, God, and the like.
Pets and Gender [PDF] — Pet ownership and sexual differences in psychology.
Life on the internet — About me (briefly), with an aside on why I chose not to "fit-in". Email: kellyjones001@bigpond.com
For advanced minds:
Wise Misogyny Unlimited — Why masculinity is the superior psychology in the philosophical realms. Videos.
An atheist memoir — A well-reasoned, passionate essay on Philogyny, the most popular religion. For serious atheists only.
100 Seaside Nights — Primal solitary exercises.
By others: