a dancer for money,
I'll do anything you want me to do".
Let's face it: embryonic consciousness is idiotic. It is more idiotic than idiotic. It is intellectual suicide. In the world today, do we need more unthinking? Is having no brain at all a rational way to solve and prevent problems? No, that's annihilation of problems, not resolution.
However, many people believe it's better to be free of thought. So the Virgin attracts many.
But those whom the Virgin cannot enrol and enchant through her pure empty-headedness, She distracts using an otherworldly combination of Prostitutery: sacred trinkets, deep earth colours, 'wholesome' flashes of indigenous tit and pussy, jangling jewellery, sweet or head-boggling incense and perfumes, melodic conversation sprinkled with words like 'love', 'openness', 'sharing', 'community', 'compassion', 'nurturing', 'childhood', 'interconnectedness' and 'family'. And she has wide-open eyes as hypnotic as a mirror, so you can reflect on yourself in Her.
For the rare soul who is not seduced by Virgin's fashions, there is the ultimate weapon: the Butterfly.
The Virgin who is safe in Her spiderweb of admirers seems to have attained the ultimate perfection. She seems free of desire. She is relaxed in herself. She seems simple, pure, unworried, untroubled by thinking, and complete. Everyone desires Her, so she transcends specific relationships, and appears to be emotionally or sexually 'free'. So the Virgin's ultimate weapon, the Butterfly, is her mimicry of spiritual liberation.
But I am mistaken in populating the Virgin's spiderweb with plural admirers. A woman only needs one admirer, for her to feel safe and relaxed. As soon as she has caught anyone, who is slightly more conscious than her - an admirer - She is born. She can stop thinking, because the admirer will protect and defend her from everything. So, my apology: it only takes one admirer of a woman, for her to become a Virgin.
And if there is a potential admirer buzzing around, who is not quite captured by the sticky tangle of fashion, the Virgin resorts to the Butterfly.
The Butterfly is a light, transient, harmless, somewhat ethereal insect. Its wings glow in the sun. It doesn't bite. It seems a friend of all the world. It lives among the flowers, almost directly fed by the sun itself. Living in the air, never touching the ground, the Butterfly seems almost a spirit - like a visitation from loving ancestors. It is easy-going, taking everything as it comes, living in the moment: - a spontaneous thing of creation. It seems to transcend everything in its calm bliss, flowing along with a summer's breeze. In fact, the name for Butterfly in Scandinavian countries is the 'summerbird'.
In many cultures, the butterfly carries divine or feminine associations, or both. Some of the words used to identify butterflies include:
The Butterfly comes close to being a psychological archetype for wisdom. It seems attached to no thing, owning no thing, homeless, divinely nourished. And, best yet, it comes from the worm through a seemingly magical process of transformation. So, when the Virgin performs Butterfly, it is hard even for the sage to resist.
So it is no wonder that adults, with all their householder worries, are enchanted by the Virgin. She is the expression of unconscious wisdom - total freedom in any environment, as free and as wild as causation itself.
And it is a total farce. She is little more than a three-year-old, playing with dolls. It is not rational, conscious behaviour. The Butterfly-Virgin is not worthy of worship in the slightest.
So if you see a lovely woman reclining on a soft lounge or a patch of grass, whether in a billboard advertisement, an artwork, a pornographic magazine, or in real life, who seems for all the world to be the very embodiment of eternity, then you are witnessing a Virgin performing.
Christians, Muslims, Hindus and others worship an eternal, personal God. It is their imaginary super-friend. Atheists rightly point to this behaviour as delusional. But the average atheist is a hypocrite, in worshipping an eternal, personal God - Woman - who is no less an illusion. And, they do it for the same reason: to have a super-friend.
To close this chapter on how people worship Woman, a warning. It is how the Mother, Prostitute, and Virgin interact. In this closing statement, where I advise how to deal with the 'possessed', I am not speaking about helping individual females per se. I am really just speaking about mental traits that appear in generally more rational individuals. If you can see those traits arise, especially in yourself, then the advice may help you to drop the attachment.
The Mother is the skin and adornment of Woman, the outer shell. Mother is the advertisement, justifier, defender, and moral outposts of Woman. Mother is the strongman, so to speak, the brainless and brawny bodyguard. Mothers cannot sustain the Virgin, because of their defensiveness, and so are easier to resist. By clinging to a value system, Mothers are slightly more conscious than Virgins, and don't flow unless safe from attack, in which case Mothers become Virgins. The Mother is the standard-bearer, and is therefore passive, uncreative, inflexible, and less conscious than the Prostitute. It is not difficult overcoming the Mother, because of her passivity and parochialism. She cannot swim in the ocean of the Infinite. Her main weapon is brute force and appeals to pity. The best way to encourage a person out of the Mother, is to be direct, simple and reasonable. Try not to be swayed by her temptations of physical comfort, like a cuppa and bikkies.
The Prostitute is the body of Woman, the organism. Prostitutes actively seek supporters, though sometimes in very subtle ways. So She is the advertiser. She can be highly intuitive in some fields, such as psychology, because of the need to seduce effortlessly. She is also extremely determined, and has infinite resourcefulness. It is more difficult dealing with the Prostitute, because she is cunning and more conscious than the Mother. She loves to entice into slightly more complicated notions, always creating interest. Again, the best way to encourage a person out of the Prostitute, is through simplicity and reason. Do not use humour, as she loves to play games.
The Virgin is the personality, 'soul' and core idea of Woman. Virgins exist in a childish dream-land, static, passive, and, as I keep saying, unconscious. Her main weapon is her changing nature, that you cannot argue with, because it instinctively flows around all obstacles and continues on unawares. She is as happy as the mentally disabled, because she is vacant of all thought. Being a mostly heavenly creature, she is repulsed by hellish experiences, such as loneliness, anger, worry, and so forth. There is very little that can be done with anyone residing in Virginal mindstates. They simply don't want to be aware of anything outside their dream-land. The world beyond terrifies them, so their thoughts snap off immediately on contact with it.
Postscript to the offended
I am suggesting to all people that women should discard their emotional relationships, families, friends, community networks, psychologists, and commiseration partners, and be alone with their thoughts. I suggest women should not train their daughters and young friends to be sexual objects. I suggest women should not indulge in catching husbands and friends, and in vanity and status-mongering.
I suggest women should stop whining about how difficult life is. I suggest women should stop holding grudges and wallowing in self-pity. I suggest women should experience the pain of loneliness, and witness quietly to themselves at first-hand their incompetence, weakness, and inadequacy, so they can recognise their own character, and take the necessary steps to change the situation for the better.
These shoulds are the most positive, compassionate, and sympathetic of all possible suggestions. The only alternative suggestion is: continue to suffer unnecessarily. Is this not the most sane thing to do - to show the path to the end of a hellish existence?
It can only benefit everyone if men leave women alone, to develop out of the cage of self-pity. Stop holding hands. If you do not make an effort today, you will only have doubled your burden for tomorrow.
Yes, these thoughts can be exhausting, but only reflect on the consequences of not confronting them......
Kelly Jones
The next chapter exposes with a little more detail the nature of Woman. I hope this will help the reader to recognise the psychological symptoms in others and oneself, of the feminine mindset.